Get in touch

Prospect on B2B social network and send your emails & follow-ups automatically !

Prospect Features

discover our lead prospect features

Automate the visits and connection requests on B2B social network !

B2B social networks are an incredible source of target !
Install the Chrome extension and automate the visits on a search of prospects. Connect automatically with prospects with a personalized message.
Engage with new prospects. !

Sequence (cadence) / newsletter campaigns with unlimited emails to send

Integrate your mailboxes in seconds and create unlimited sequences of automated emails.
Send newsletters or cold emails (drip until recipients reply) by adding your own SMTP provider and IMAP. Track opens, clicks, bounce, unsubscribe, replies and create nice emailing campaigns in plain text or HTML. Design nice newsletters or simple cold emails with the simple online editor.

Ready to get started?

Start your free trial now

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