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More than 15 million companies and 300 million contacts worldwide ready for you !

Sourcing Features

discover our lead sourcing features

Consult our base of more than 15 million companies and 300 million contacts worldwide.

Consult our database of more than +15 million companies and more than +300 million contacts validated by our services. 
You can sort by country, activity and size of business to find new leads to exploit for your activity.

Daily registered domains with leads information

Daily dump of all domains created on the Internet, that's mean all new companies.You get around +100K leads of new domains created each day with location, phone numbers, emails, domains, registered date, and more. It's perfect for capturing new companies created on the Internet and generate new leads from it by selling SEO, marketing services, WordPress websites, development or content creation, etc.

Googles Maps extractor

Find B2B Leads for your business in any industry across all countries. 
our software gives you the possibility to enter one or more keywords and thus collect in real time the information of the establishments referenced in google maps.
Receive thousands of contacts in just a few minutes, giving you the data you need to make your business work.

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